Gifts With An Edge
Our Most Popular Gifts
Prices include engraving and all gifts come with bows
Gifts Under $150
Gifts Between $150-$225
Gifts $225 & Up
Wine Lovers
Luxury Sets
*Pricing does not include engraving on luxury block sets.
Do you have an over the top client you would like to to WOW? Give a luxury wood block set and we will customize a silver or brass plate for you to adhere to the front of their block.

Better Yet Help Each Client Build A Set Over Time Through Future Business and Referrals
Not Sure About The Engraving?
Don’t worry you can engrave as small, simple and discreet as you’d like.

Don’t see a CUTCO item you think you should?
Don’t worry we offer that too …But we’ve already done the hard part for you. The gifts on our website are all the ‘winners’ per say. We have market tested over 100 different products and hand selected our best branding tools to show case for you. Our gifts will give you the best bang for your buck regardless of what type of client you are working with, how old they are or what they are or aren’t into today or even 10 years later.
Let's Get Started
Get A System In Place

Every Cutco knife is laser engraved. This means your engraving will never wear way. You’re welcome to engrave any way you want. Our discounted engraving is only $11.00/ piece for unlimited characters. Just a little better than the average $3/per character, right?! Engrave the front, back, big and bold or small and discreet – we are here to help!

Gifts come in small or large quantities, depending on your needs. Minimum is 5 units. We ship all your gifts up front and bill you over 5 months or 10 months interest-free.